Hi Gregg,
I appreciate the information and that's what this board is all about. Now since everyone on this board now knows a way to obtain these cards for free, I believe your post is a good one.
I actually had made a trade with Pedro for one of these cards and this is how I personally feel about it....
I don't feel that Pedro attempted to deceive anyone purposefully. Additionally I believe that a lack of knowledge on my part is MY problem and not his.
In fact, Pedro contacted me right away after hearing about this information. He has apologized; wanted to send back the item I gave him and told me to keep the stuff he sent.
I told him that I had no problem whatsoever with our trade and that he should not lose any sleep over our transaction. It appears to me that Pedro is a stand up guy and should be commended for his prompt action once he heard of the freebie way of getting these.