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The Chip Board Archive 07

Slot card manufacturer needed (NCR)

Hello everyone, I�m starting to slowly get settled here in St. Kitts.

I remember reading posts in the past were someone here actually worked for a company that manufactured slot cards. I would really appreciate any contact information.

Here is specifically what I need.

Backup Device
A DLT or Super DLT1 tape device for backup of Integral data files from the Network File Server.

Magnetic Strip Encoding
Payment Processing
Data Collection
Debit Cards
Access Control Cards
Data Card Embosser

I need a company that will provide service to the island of St. Kitts
If anyone could help me on this it would be greatly.

Take Care, and happy chipping
PS. I�ll post our chips as soon as we find the scanner grin

Frank Hocevar

Messages In This Thread

Slot card manufacturer needed (NCR)
Re: Slot card manufacturer needed (NCR)
Thank you Very Much grin
Re: Slot card manufacturer needed (NCR)
Re: Slot card manufacturer needed (NCR)

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