I wish to thank all of the Dealers and the great chippers who attended the show in Reno this past weekend. It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing those of you that I have been in contact with at the Oregon Shows. I thank you for all of the support for this show as there were attendee's from all over the US. I especially wish to Thank the Dealers who took the time to attend this show for as you all know without the support of these dealers show's like this can never happen.
The great variety of Memorabilia and chips available were exceptional. Chips, Silver Strikes, Slot Tokens, Glassware of all types, Supplies, books and the great display and Framing products of Tiny Treasures.
Again "Thank You All". Below is the list of all the Dealers who made this a Very Good Show.
James Campiglia
Rich Bugle
Larry Hollenbaugh
Bill O'Day
Paul Sax
Ed Hoffman
Howard Herz
Steve McLendon
Jodi & Dean of Casino Collectibles
C.T Rogers
Jim Munding ( Casinorama)
Walt Gonski
Jim Bethwell
David Harber Cheques in The Mail
Chris Colangelo "Tiny Treasures"
Scott Hartman
James Rauzy
Toni & Clyde Bailey
Al Moe
Armin Pfeander
Steve Goodrich
David & Carol Wendleton "Wimpy's"
Frank Lonteen
Doug Saito
Gene Shabnow
Ron Minsberg
And last but not least thanks to Bob Pardue and Sunday Silverman for manning the "Building Fund" Booth at the show.
Thanks again to all who attended and we will do this again next year. Jim