I got some of these, along with a "box of chips" deal. I'd say I have about 40 or less. They are not painted (small distinction) they are stamped with a rubber stamp. I have cleaned them with CRC glass cleaner and Armour All, both which will remove most of the old rubber stamp numerals. Some are only stamped on one side.
Some are hacked, some look almost unused.
Whites and yellow, unmarked.
Green, fusha and orange "5".
Red "25".
Blue "100" with silver numerals.
Considering the above, I would suspect that someone used these for a poker game after their life as roulettes. Possibly a further history after the Harold's Club use?
I admit my sample is not large, considering that John found 7,000. How these got in a box in Northern Wisconsin, is one of those chip mysteries. lol