I had a great time seeing many of you at the show in Reno this weekend! Nice to catch-up on the past........................
However, I am moving this week to Angel Fire, NM and have been sorting through the paperwork here in Washington. I have three small groups of old magazines you can have for free. Email your interest (maybe just one per person) and the first email gets the magazines. When you get the mags, you could send me a refund of the postage or a chip or two for the postage and packing.
Lot #1 is 10 old Club Magzines - Vol. 6 and 7 plus the #2 and #3 issue from the first year (2nd and 3rd Quarter 1988)
Lot #2 is 7 Gaming Archaeology Auctions #10 through #16
Lot #3 is the full run of Gaming Collectors Magazine & Collectors Quarterly 13 small mags from April 1994 to July 1996
I just can't bring myself to throw these away - must be a few of you that would like them.
New Address will be
Al Moe
P. O. Box 2018
Angel Fire, NM 87710