I have a question that I am reluctant to ask but have been going over for a couple of months and would like some civilized responses. I know this is a can of worms but really want the input one way or the other. Please let's not attack one another but just give our thoughts on the subject.
A while back there was a $25 King of Blackjack, or something like that, from the Four Queens. I believe all, or nearly all, of these chips went to the guy on them. There have been chips since that have been "released" in similarly "controlled" environments. There are indications there will be more in the future.
I think this kind of release adversely affects collectors and the hobby in general at the same time. I know people will say to collect what you want or can and that you can't have everything. But let me ask, what if you have decided to collect a certain area or particular casino? Granted if you are collecting a particular casino and they support this practice I would say not to bother collecting from them. The broader question involves control and why collectors would want small groups or individuals to control the collectors ability to collect.
I am not referring to chips like the Sammy Haggar, but to the chips that are made, for the most part, for the profit of a few. There is a clear difference between chips that are not made for the general public and those that are made with the intention of a small few being able to control the release. Whatever the motive for small, even not small, tightly controlled releases, I think they are misguided. I think there should be ample opportunity for the general public to collect in order for the hobby to grow.
How do you feel about individuals or small groups being able to control the collecting abilities of collectors in general?
Fire away but keep it civalized please. (I know, I know, we had a Cival War raging 140 years ago)