...on the internet.
If I have a problem with anything posted on a BB, I do respond publicly (sometimes--no response if it ain't worth my time) in a manner that I'd want or hope to be responded to by anyone who'd have a similar problem with anything that I'd publicly post.
Using email to express hard feelings about any volatile subject matter often results in further bad blood, escalating the differences between the parties involved. Limiting, or attempting to limit such discussions to private discussions can be both good and bad. Dirty laundry between two people is not always something that others who might be affected down the road need to know. Some/many times it is. Those times that they are, such exchanges can help massage some of the problem(s) between the people involved. The times when they (emails) are threats or cuss fests don't do anyone any good.
Five months and a week since my last day off. ...I'm getting a little tired of working everyday.