I remember watching that auction. I think it went for ~$59, right? Consider the following, if you never see one again, was it worth it? If you only ever see them cancelled for $500, would it be worth it? I'm thinking maybe... It doesn't look all that bad in your scan, although it's a little dark.
Okay, what if a boxes of uncancelled, near-mint examples are found and they are available for $5 a piece. Well, you're only out $60. If you'd paid $500... ohh that hurts more.
I have a Sands HNO $5 that has a blemish on one inlay. I got it for a very good price. You know what, I'll look to replace it when I get to that point in my collection where I don't have others to go after. That's a looooong time coming.
Now for the counter-points: 1. The seller mislead you. 2. If it bugs you now, it probably always will.
Good luck with your decision!