Hi Jason, TGT is a list of worldwide casinos or what is written on a chip, such as casino name, monogram, address, number, picture, etc., in order to identify the location and other info. TGT is the best known method to attempt to identify an unknown chip. It also has a fairly complete list by country, city, etc., of all casinos and is still a work in continual process. The latest full book is TGT, 2nd Ed., 1998. This large 425 page book sells for 37.00 plus postage. The Full 3rd Ed., will not be ready for quite some time. To try to satisfy collectors who did not want to wait for the 3rd., we printed a TGT-3, Audit Ed. of only 80 copies. This edition is 346 pages of the main body of TGT-2, plus everything that has been added since 1998, without the bells & whistles. There are no photos, no geographical sections, no index of riverboats, reservations, etc., as in the main book. Every listing is in the audit edition, but without the cross-references. TGT-3, Audit Addition sells for 50.00.