The Hard Rock is pretty disorganized and they didn't release the chips at the time Warick said he would. After standing in line from 2 P.M. until almost 9 P.M. finally the Barris set was available. I guess to help appease us, the HR released Moby chips a few hours earlier - didn't work, most of us standing in line were pretty disgruntled, but decided to stick it out to the end anyway. Though the HR could use a lot of improvement in their PR, Barris and his crew were very accommodating and nice people. As a footnote........TO THE HARD ROCK: Releasing chips is not rocket science - pick a time and stick to it! Incidentally, further down on the CB Warwick posted another note: Moby chips will be released at 6 P.M. - same time as Barris. Shame on you Warwick you knew you had no intention of doing that.