Hey John,
Right on the nose!!! It has been entertaining flying these past few months... I've been searched numerous times - both at the security checkpoint and at the gate. It doesn't bother me to be searched, as they are just making sure that the people flying are safe!!!
I was talking with one gentleman while he was searching my bags, and checked my shoes - and he told me that he appreciated my kindness, as most people are not happy by being "singled out". I told him that I was glad that they are doing their job, as it is better for us all.
He went on to tell me about a guy that didn't want to be searched, and was getting a bit too obnoxious - he was told that if he didn't comply with the search, that he would not be able to get on the aircraft. He didn't comply, and the police were called - four officers escorted him away - needless to say he didn't fly!!!
The other thing that came to a surprise, which think back it should be - is that when I opened a Quizno's sandwich and noticed it was not cut in half, I took it back to the counter and asked if they could cut it for me - they told me that they were not allowed knifes and that if I wanted it cut in half, I could use one of the plastic knifes... I thought a moment, and apologized, and said that it makes since...
Flying is more entertaining since 9-11, and I'm sure we all have a few stories.
One last comment about flying, I've met some very interesting people flying across country. On one flight I was sitting next to an FBI agent, and we had some very interesting conversations. On another flight I sat next to one of the tribal council members of the Rin Con Tribe - I was very impressed with him. When he found out that I collected casino chips, he had asked if I had any from their first casino - when I replied I had, he was amazed!!! He leaned over to another Tribal Council Member and told him that this guy has some of our chips!!! They both were amazed that people collect casino chips - so we talked about the CC>CC for a while. I gave him my CC>CC Educational Director's business card and told him about the convention in Las Vegas. He indicated that he would be VERY interested in having us come down to their new casino/hotel for a convention (or show). Harrah’s is operating their new casino. May be some of us in So. Cal. can talk to them some more and try to get a show going down there...???...
I've rambled enough...