I swear---by all that is holy--that if Al Qaida opens a casino I will not purchase any of their limited edition chips. (Not even if Sammy Hagar plays there.)
The Palestinians deserve sympathy for their plight all right---but less against the Israelis, with whom they could have peace in a very short time frame if they really wanted it---but from their "allied" Arab nations that flushed them out of their borders over the last 60 years and made them someone else's problem. I don't see any of those neighboring nations in their benevolence, offering to cede any land to create a homeland for Palestinians. They prefer to fund and fan the flames of hatred in the hopes that such an approach will result in the destruction of Israel altogether. The middle east is rife with corrupt theocracies and monarchies that treat their people like garbage and restrain them from getting educated (or possibly upwardly mobile)with their oil trillions. If you don't mind, Ill back the tortured, beleaguered lone democracy, with all its warts--in the hopes that the ignorant masses will eventually get fed up with their disgusting leaderships and move forward.
Forget all the religious differences and religious fanatics: this conflict is about ruthless dictators fearing the end of their grip on power and money. The Jihad-angle is a tool to help them drive that crazy bus. Ther danger that Israel presents is a model of democracy that Theorcracies and Monarchies that are totally corrupt cannot afford to have imitated in their own backyards. It would jeopardize their ill-earned survival.