Because I'm looking at another long day starting too early in morning, I'll keep this brief my friend.
"I just don't think we should be waging this "war" on innocent American citizens who have done nothing to warrant being treated as criminals or enemies."
We also cannot ignore the origins of the real people who took down the WTC towers, flew the plane into the pentagon or had their mission terminated in Pennsylvania.
We aren't interning all Muslims or arabs. We have increased scrutiny of them. To not do so because of some perceived racist reasons would put this country as a whole in greater jeopardy than any inconvenience suffured.
I travel a lot. I've had to remove my shoes in the airport screening areas, had to show the screener the bottom of my feet after my shoes were removed, had the insides of my shoes tested for explosives using their powder swabs, had my laptop edges powder swabbed numerous times.
I could suggest that I don't deserve the scrutiny that I receive at the airport every time that I fly. THAT would be selfish and foolish on my part. To suggest that any other person, and I mean any other person should be exempt from the same scrutiny that I receive based on perceived racial profiling does us all a disservice and could result in the deaths of many more innocent Americans. The people who carried out the attacks of 9/11 had identifiable similar traits. To discourage the search for similar people with similar traits does not make me or you or our families or the planet any safer.