Paul- you seem to be the type who thinks criminals get an easy ride. I would like to offer an idea to you
In America, everyone is excited about "Meagan's Laws". Basically, we take people who have been set free after serving their time, and punish them further by forcing them to declare their sex-offender status to their new community. now I won't debate how severely sex-offenders should be punished. What I will say is that if we think they deserve to be punished for 15 years, it's nuts to release them after 5 and then subject them to vigilante justice for the next 10.
OK, so maybe we should keep them in jail for the full 15. But why don't we? Easy, because Federal sentencing requirements DO NOT ALLOW judges to give NON-VIOLENT drug offenders a break. If you have drugs, you must do the max. And there's only so much room in the existing prisons. Now if you raped a kid, well, no federal rule there. So we let the kiddie-rapists free to make room to keep the non-violent drug offenders in jail. And then we get mad the sex offenders are free, and we pass bull-doody "Meagan's law" to allow inane vigilantes to seek the justice that a moronic anti-drug policy can't provide.
Think about it.