renderd! Just kidding!
You are correct about the right-button and there are other ways to do the same thing as well. However, I noticed that you stated that it was after-thought and that you had not already pasted the URL into memory......Well, here's a trick many use to over-come that problem, as follows:
You can purposely open multiple links to the Internet. When you are at a site and remember that you need some info from another site, but don't want to leave the site you are at, you can still visit the other site(s) by creating an additional window.
In Netscape, to do so, just go to File, select New , select Navigator Window and a blank Internet page pops up. Go to your bookmark list, select where you want to go (or type in a URL) and go to that site. In this case you would have selected your eBay Seller page, highlighted the URL, copied it to memory and then cleared that page from the screen (click the "X" box in the upper right-hand corner of that window. This then would expose the first Internet window (the site where you wanted to remain at) where upon you could paste the info.
I frequently do this whenever I do a file upload to Greg's site and then when I am posting the message I typically forget the upload link. By opening a second window I visit the up-load directory, select the picture, copy the URL an close the window and finish my post.
You might want to share with some of us the problem you are currently having with posting images. Someone may have an answer.
Jim Follis