I know that you are having trouble with this, so here is the link to your eBay page of mrnjchips stuff.
Please note how I did this, as you will be able to do thios same thing.
1. Go to eBay and search on the seller "mrnjchips".
2. When that page is loaded go to the URL, select it (highlight the whole address) and then copy it into memory (Control + C).
3. Go to the ChipBoard, create a message....I have chips for sale on eBay....
4. Within your message paste the URL, still contained in memory, into the message (Control + V)
5. Preview your message, verify that the URL shows as a hot-link (even click on it), then go "back" to the Post Message screen and post your message.
Or are you saying your system does not allow this type of linking?
Jim Follis