FOXWOODS is a huge mega-casino. It is split up into 6 separate gaming areas in one sprawling building; a couple of the areas are non-smoking, and one of them is for high rollers only.
All of the games are there, and the payoffs are comperable, but the minimums are high compared to the rest of the country:
$15 blackjack, $10 craps, etc..
You seldom see a table without players; they won't open a new table unless all the tables operating are jammed full.
There are 6700 slots, which according to the Casino Player Magazine, have the lowest payout of all the areas listed. And most of them are 25 cents and up. A few dozen 5-cent multi-line machines are located in one of the downstairs non-smoking casinos (Good luck getting one of them).
All in all, I find Foxwoods to be a greedy casino ready to take your money, but not interested in providing the customer with a pleasant time.
If you do go, get a map of the facility; you will need it get around...