... even being a short-lived tournament, promo or junket chip which most collectors are not familia with unless they eiter worked in the casino, played in a tournament or been on the junket
I can show you many hot stamp tounament chips, low and high-denomination (without inserts), from the Bahamas that are even unknown to Bahamas collectors. In fact, I've addaed a hot stamp $5 chip from the Bahamas Playboy Casino to the Thomas Stroh Collection (a $5 non redemmable) that is still only a one-of-a-kind recorded chip. Our DI chip could have been a piece which when after serving its purpose (like most promo/junket chips) could have been destroyed and only the one piece a curator of a museum (such as the Maison Caro) was able to obtain could be the only example (not the only example known, but the only exmple that survived destruction). It happens; I've got letters from several heads of casino security groups showing that the serial numbered pieces I have from certain UK and European casinos are the only pieces to exist.... pieces that survived the ovens.
There's a lot to learn in our little, fun hobby...