To All,
I have read and read again ALL the comments concerning local chapters, our National organization, open vs closed BBs, Bill's magazine etc, etc.
First of all we collect little pieces of clay or metal. What could we possibly have to discuss that must appear on a closed, for members only, official BB??? My goodness, I would hope we have nothing to hide or be ashamed of that can't be discussed in the open regardless of who reads it.
I for one want everything open. Board meetings, convention meetings, any meeting that my elected, non paid, representatives can be heard voicing their beliefs, opinions and positions on issues I as a voter care about.
Until the local chapters get some "guts" and enforce the National Constitution and Bylaws involving their memberships the problem of local chapter members becoming national members will remain. It is a shame it can't be resolved without the National organization taking action. My gosh local chapters - read the National Constitution and its attached Bylaws and quit making up your own rules.
Expression of ideas, opinions, and ways of improvement should never be looked upon as "causing problems" or "being disloyal" or whatever. However, once the decision is made by vote regardless of the area, we as an organization must move on and work together. Otherwise we have NOTHING!!!!
Bill's magazine is a fine publication. I am a subscriber. If you (and I mean that in general) want to help, quit talking about it and extend your subscription. All the bull and expressions of support on this board won't help Bill one bit. Send him your cash with a renewal extension; that's how you can help. Put up where it counts!!! In addition to Gaming Times there are other publications that can use your support. Remember my post about reference books? Buy them - the hobby you save may be your own!!!
Best, Jim