I didn't want to get too picky, because the point is well made. It's just that figuring out the age, is a bit of a trick.
Grandpa might be old enough to be losing some of his memory? For instance those nice clean Jazz guys were many times hop heads, and heron addicts.
I do agree however that kids weren't taking guns to school and shooting up the classroom. In those good old days, my Grandmother was shot, and killed, under the El, that was 1917! My Grandfather left Chicago "for his health" in the 20's.
We tend to remember the best of times and forget that there are always some problems.
As I have begun to feel more and more each day: These are the good old days! The longer I live, the better they get. ;-)
Poor guy writes a nice note, taking us back to the "good old days" and it gets ripped to shreds. Of course in the good old days, for three cents, it would have taken a days to get here, been written with a Lindy 19c pen. Instead of spending millions of dollars on a network, and thousands for each of us to have our own computers.