This was originally posted on the CC>CC message board.
Club Members,
At the current time, activities of a few members and non-members in regards to the manufacture and sale of fake, non-original, and
repaired chips have led to a climate of distrust in our hobby. While the CC>CC Code of Ethics covers most member activities, it is somewhat lacking in this matter. I want the club to restore trust in the hobby by modifying the Code of Ethics to specifically cover non-original chips. It needs to be clear to all club members what activities are not allowed in our hobby. I will be making my proposal to the board at the convention at the Chapter President's meeting on Thursday. There are two matters that I will call to their attention in order to promote "Honesty in Chipping" - non-original chips and non-casino chips. My effort will be to insure that prospective buyers are aware of exactly what they are purchasing. Your thoughts on the matter are invited.