I called Sam's Town and spoke with the cage on Friday on my way home from work. They told me that they did in fact have the chips in the cage and they would be released "sometime in the beginning of the week". SOOOO I called back this morning first thing and was told that the $5 chips were SOLD OUT!!!! I went to Sam's after work today and had a 30 minute conversation with the cage shift manager and was told, after pulling teeth, that there were still 500 $5 chips still in the cage and they were told NOT to sell them by the cage manager. She gave me the managers number to call tomorrow. I have seen the $5 chip on E-Bay, one of them numbered 950, the others in the 200's. If there were only 1000 made, and the cage shift boss told me 500 were "being held" for some reason... why am I seeing chips numbered from the 200's to 950 on e-bay already? If I have promised you a chip already I'm still working on it. I do have a few $25 chips if anyone needs them. I can get the $100 as well. I thought I was going to have to twist her arm for the 3 $25's I have.