On May 16th, 2002 TRUMP PLAZA DESTROYED the Following CHIPS:
Donald Trump - 106
Trump World's Fair - 119
Miss America 1997 - 396
Miss America 1998 - 1,083
4TH Of July 2000 - 453
Blondie - 1
Popeye - 1
Boardwalk Bullies - 1
The following are 8 Worlds Fair chips
Chicago, Il. 1893 - 3,196
NY, 1939 - 3,366
NY, 1964 - 3,236
London 1851 - 3,406
Paris, France 1889 - 3,609
Phila, Pa. - 3,395
San Francisco,Ca. - 2,626
St.Louis,Mo. - 3,362
Total chips Destroyed 28,356
Any other old LE.chips turned into Trump Plaza will be destroyed. Trump Plaza will advise us of any future chip destructions when the info. becomes available.