It is a free country!This is America!If the show flops it flops.If the show is a success then it is a success.If it helps the hobby thats great!!If it hurts then that's unfortunate.If Rene wants to do a show and put all the work into it and he is well intentioned about promoting the hobby then that should be up to him.If he can't get dealers then that is his problem!If he does then more power to him.If he doesn't get a good turnout then that's the way it goes and we all loose alittle.Life is a gamble and a show a crapshoot.
I say"Good Luck" to both Jim in Reno and Rene in Las Vegas on they're shows!!As well as any other promoters all Good Luck!!Lets all pull together and be on the same team!!It can't hurt!
Mitch Heller