I am not the Chairperson, just a VOLUNTEER on the Pre-Registration Package Committee. Therefore, I am speaking for myself, and not for the other committee members. It has been estimated that the small handful of volunteers on the committee will need about 8 hours to pre-fill about 800 "packages" for the convention. These are just for those who will be attending. If we had to do 1 "bag" for each member, attending or not, that would add another 3 days of work to our schedule. Instead of arriving 2 days before the convention, we would have to arrive 5 days early. After the convention it would take at least another day to address all the packages to be mailed to all those who did not, or could not attend. Then there is the day needed to take those 100's (1000's?) of packages to the Post Office to be mailed. This would turn a 5 day convention stay into a 12 day stay, turning my $400 bill into a $900 bill. This does not include meals. Multiply this times the number of volunteers on the committee, plus all the extra money expended for postage, and I hope you can understand why this is NOT a good idea. Since I am retired and on a fixed income, an expense such as this would severly limit my volunteer time at future conventions. All this because some poeple want something for nothing.