Sorry Craig, I'm on eBay for fun! How do I get anyone to look at 50¢, $1 and $5 Last Frontier, La Center, WA. chips? Snore. I list them as The Most Beautiful Casino Chips?. Works great! Likewise Doomed WA. Casino Chips instead of $1 and $5 Blockhouse, Midway WA. Cardroom Chips. Both titles stand out from the numbing sameness of same-old same-old listed everyday. Using your method, however would lead to better hits from search strings and buyers looking for specific chips like yet another overpriced Hard Rock from a local yokel. I'm selling chips no one knew they wanted until I made 'em look! I like auctions that have some engagement with the person selling them which might give you an insight to the person with whom you are dealing.
An important thing to point out in an online auction is CCGTCC membership. The R-# assures other members of ethical dealing and is comes with reference for anyone else interested. I point out that I ship same day to club members and solicit anyone else for signup.
Never any S & H with my auctions, after all, I'm obligated to fulfill my part of the bargain if you have a winning bid, so why make you pay?