The thoughts you convey in your message are much the same that we all have. We wish it were not true. We wish it never happened. We wish that it would just go away and it could be the way it used to be.
But that is not possible. It happened and it was discovered and now everyone knows about it. Mr. Jung was the central figure involved in what happened. Through his actions and poor judgement many people have been hurt and the integrity of our hobby has been shaken. Regardless of Mr. Jung's past contributions to the hobby, and they are considerable, he still faces the same set of rules that we all do.
Personally, at this point I would not touch a brass core chip with a 10 foot pole. Even though the Pai Gow Club One.Two.Eight $1 chip that I bought from Mr. Jung at last year's convenetion is not one of the known fakes, it is now worthless to me. I have to suspect that it is a fake. I would not sell it to anyone else. I am stuck with an albatross. I only purchased one chip from Mr. Jung, and I only have one or two other brass core chips that have any significant value. I can live with that. But, what do you tell those who have significant brass core chip collections. People that spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on them. Thanks a lot Mr. Jung.
We wish it were not true. We wish it never happened. We wish that it would just go away and it could be the way it used to be. I don't know how to make that happen, do you?