I would like to say:
Right now I am hearing that there was possibly more than one infraction of "poor judgement" by Mel and that perhaps The Board had the good taste to not want to see Mel dragged through the mud.
If this is the case, on the one hand I would like to commend The Board's sensitivity, on the other hand, it makes a difference to all of us who want to see the "most judicious" outcome. Therefore, at some point, I would like to know in no uncertain terms that the report is not complete and that The Board chose not to air all the dirty laundry. That puts me a little more at ease.
If that is the case Mel and The Board would have to work it out and I agree it is not for public airing.
I apprciate all of your comments and I am sorry to rehash through all of this painful history.
Best Regards,