... I have visited nearly every state in the country (I've missed Idaho & the Dakotas, but I think they may be the only ones) and I can tell you this, Archie ...
... there ain't no utopias out there!!
Scott's problem is unusual, but New Jersey has no exclusive on contradictory, unduly restrictive or just plain dumb laws (can someone explain to me exactly what business is it of the state's whether he or anyone else wants to make an offshore bet -- or, for that matter, one in the State itself??).
Ours may still be the land of the brave, but we ain't so free anymore.
Disclaimer: I still think this is the best country in the world and wouldn't dream of living elsewhere. However, I also think it is appropriate to acknowledge our shortcomings and work to overcome them. Starting with a whole lot less government at every level.
----- jim o\-S