Ahhh… jingoism at its finest.
Where does your paycheck come from?
Well, I am employed in that most American of all fields known as “Hollywood.” I work for a company called Columbia Pictures, which is a unit of Sony Pictures Entertainment, which, in turn, is a division of the Sony Corporation. Does that answer your first question, Bob?
My field of business is international theatrical marketing and distribution. I suppose I could resign today and go to work for 20th Century Fox. Oh… that’s owned by Murdoch, who’s Australian. Well, I could go over to Universal, I guess. No… that’s owned by the French. How about MGM? (assuming they’re still in business by the time I finish typing this post). No… Fox distributes their film overseas. Maybe Paramount or Dreamworks. No… a British company markets distributes for them. That leaves Warner Brothers or Disney… not a big choice.
Guess its alright to put an American flag on your japenese car and call your self an American
Ok, lets talk about cars. Spending money on an American car does more than support American workers… it validates the undeniably inferior engineering that GM, Ford, and Chrysler continues to perpetrate on the American public. I would not assume that you or anyone else would even consider stating that American cars are engineered as well as German or Japanese cars, but yet you continue to buy them because they are “American”. Frankly, I work too hard for my money to throw it down the toilet. If you wish to continue to buy American cars, that’s your choice. I would never criticize your option to do so. As it turns out, the two most popular CARS sold in the United States are Japanese. Do you suppose there might be a reason for this?
And by the way, my wife drives a Japanese mini van.
But let’s put you through the hypocrisy meter, shall we. Tell me, Bob… what brands of television do you own? What’s the brand of receiver you have in your den? How about your coffee maker? Your cell phone? Look down at your wrist… what kind of watch are you wearing? Take a look at the label in your shirt or pants… where were they made? I am sure not only I but lots of people are interested to hear the answers to these questions.
It’s really time to leave this “BUY AMERICAN” rhetoric behind us. We live in a world economy now and to suppose otherwise is naïve and uninformed. Companies that are American Institutions, like the one I work for (I’m sure you can remember the logo) are now inextricably intertwined in international commerce and investment. Buying a product because it is American is absurd in this day and age. If you are not buying the best for your money, then you are wasting your own resources.
Haven't we learned ANYTHING from 9-11
I have no idea what this question means, but I can assure you that I would never buy an automobile built by the Al Qaida. Or was it those Germans and Japanese who are up to no good again???
If took from 9-11 that you shouldn't be participating in the world's marketplace then I would only contend that you are a lousy student.