Psst... Bob, That American car no longer exist. Parts come from all over the world, assemblies are made in Mexico, Canada, and USA then the assemblies are all put together to make the car. Many foreign name cars have plants here in the USA are they what you call "American Cars"? BTW is it OK to put gasoline in "American Cars" made from Middle Eastern crude? You do whether you know it or not.
Take a look at the parts in the computer you JUST POSTED FROM. Many parts didn't come from HERE. Don't stop there go through the rest of your house you’ll be amazed. Then look at some of the foods in the pantry. Next look at those sports shoes, and other equipment.
It's virtually impossible to "Buy American" today. Sorry to burst your bubble….
I like to try and be patriotic too; I liked the big flag SAM'S had over their front door that said "BUY AMERICAN" only to see half the store was imported.
NEXT, I discovered AMERICANS screwing AMERICANS... The majority of the workforce worked slightly less than 40 hours so SAM could get around paying benefits to the 'part-time' employees. I gave up. BUT trust me I AM ALL FOR THE CONCEPT!!