I guess I am part of the double standard Jim is talking about. I have never taken a roulette chip from a casino, BUT, I will trade for them if you take them. In reality it is the same thing.
Casinos have grave conserns over roulettes and for good cause. Archie is right when he says there are about 300 chips of each color in a set of roulettes. 240 to 260 are used on the tables. That leaves very few for replacements. If the pit boss is not on his toes and 40 chips walk, a color can be out of action while a new set is being ordered. Our roulettes cost .65 - Minumum buy in is .50. This is a loss but not the main cause for alarm. Someone wanting to play minumun of $5 could allow the chip thief to make $4.50 per chip. I know all older chippers are aware on this. Just re-stating it for new chippers. Be aware the casinos will stop you if they catch you and in some cases bar you from the casino.
I will re-think my policy of trading for roulettes.