... "The Strike" (except for news reports on status) for awhile.
Everyone has a pro or con opinion about Unions in general and about this strike in particular. I do not see how it serves the purposes of the Club, or chip collecting in general, to get involved in debating these issues here.
Organized Labor's only bargaining tool is the withholding of services and the resulting financial hardship that would place on the employers.
The strike is only a potential problem at this time. There is a lot of political pressure yet to be brought to bear to acheive a settlement. We should recognise the possibility and make plans but not get all steamed up (remember Y2K?).
We have several options as individuals.
1) We can refuse to attend the convention with the resulting loss of non-refundable deposits, etc.
2) We attend the convention but stay, eat and gamble in a place that is not on strike.
3) We can stay at the Trop and attend the convention but otherwise not use their facilities.
4) We can ignore the whole thing and do business as usual.
5) Any number if other iterations of the above.
The decision is for each individual to make. It will be a lot easier on my blood pressure if everyone would just make their decision and quietly do what they think is best.