They' re only worth whatever people are willing to pay. Those that are paying that much are most like the ones that must have the chip now...and that dont use a new release dealer. Are they worth 100?? to To those that are paying 100$ ..obviously they are. Could they get them much lower in a couple weeks...yes.
What are they really worth to you? 25? 35?? 45??
Hard Rock is sure a hard one to call. It seems alot of people buy them just to resell them. Or, they buy extras and hold them...with the intent to resell them. I know many collectors that do this. And the Hard Rock chips are the only ones they do it with. I also know how I am. I collect Hard Rock $5.00 chips and vintage Nevada $5.00 chips. I dont collect LE's from anywhere else. HOWEVER---If you look on my trader list on my'll see a ton of Le's and Comm's. I have them just for trading. I also put them on EBAY to help off a little bit of the expense of my obsession...i mean hobby.
Its just a matter of dollars Josh. If we lived in vegas...we could walk up and take a place in line. But since we dont live there....I'm damned thanksful i have someone that will stand in line for me. Im happy to pay a bit of a premium for this. After all...they deserve to make a buck too.
To get to a different point....the number of chips released is important for those that collect 25's as an investment. We want enough so we can get them..but not too many as everyone has them.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. And Josh....We all feel your pain.