Hilton A.C. has issued a four piece chip set commemorating four championship Hall of Fame fighters. Joe Louis 1937; Jake Lamotta 1949; Floyd Patterson 1956 and get this..... Jack Dempsey 1956. It would appear that the Jack Dempsy photo obverse got married to the Floyd Patterson reverse while in the manufacturing process at Paulsons as Dempsey never fought in 1956. His heyday was in the Louis era.. or a bit earlier. While the date is in error, the chip is not an error .... as all of the Dempsey chips have the same error date on them.
Anyhow, all four chips were mailed out to my new issues service subscribers today. Anyone else interested in this set of four $10 serially numbered chips please e-mail me for details on my A.C. new issues service. Archie