You raise some very good and valid points in your post.
I have stayed away from the brass core issue because I do not have the time to properly reply to any responses that should be contrary to how I feel.
1) Almost everyone who reads this board knows who the various individuals involved are. Why NOTHING is/will/or going to be done is beyond me. Let's tell them, as a club, either quit selling this crap or you will be asked give up your membership and will no longer be welcome to set up at the club convention.
2) I have seen these counterfit, reproductions, repaired or whatever you want to call them chips out on dealers tables for sale. At Bill's show and at our last convention, I counted at least four dealers who had them for sale. One customer who never seems to buy a chip without asking my opinion always finds me and asks "what do you think"? At last years convention he brought me one of those pieces of "junk". I asked him where he got it. He pointed to one of the four. I told him to pass.
3) Why the board, as a whole, does not require these pieces of junk to be removed from the sale tables is also beyond me. Why the dealers are not told to quit selling this crap or pack up and hit the bricks is also beyond me.
4) I know one board member who almost got taken himself if it was not for a third party comment. I found it rather apropos and a little humerous.
5) Any serious chip collector should carry a "loop". if he/she is going to purchase a chip for more than $50.00 put the loop on it. You will be shocked at what it will reveal.
I wouldn't be too concerned Alex. Chips have been altered for years and not just brass cores. However, if you know what to look for and YOU DO you will not have anything to worry about. I say let's get rid of the "junk" AND the pieces of "junk" that sell them.
Best, Mr."P"