$500,000 is better than the 2.6 million the condo association was seeking.... as far as Tropicana is concerned. After the association lawyer presents his bill, I wonder how much of the half mil will be available to the association?
Here are other details to the settlement.
The Brighton Towers Condominium Association had sought a reported $2.6 million, project concessions and physical improvements to their surroundings, claiming the casino's $225 million expansion would devalue their property and harm their quality of life.
Tropicana agreed to give the condo association $500,000 under the settlement as published in the Press of Atlantic City in which the paper termed a "sweeping victory for Tropicana".
The association sued Tropicana and city governing boards last year, claiming a flawed approvals process for the project. A Superior Court judge in February handed Tropicana a sweeping victory.
Brighton Towers has withdrawn its appeal of the decision as part of the settlement, condo lawyer Glenn Zeitz said.
During the litigation period, Zeitz said, Tropicana accommodated Brighton Towers by agreeing to reroute bus traffic into the casino, lower the planned parking garage by one floor, retain a key Atlantic Avenue traffic light, relocate a proposed garage ramp and upgrade a landscaped buffer between the two buildings.