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The Chip Board Archive 06

Warning... crude joke inside...
In Response To: Hey B.B... ()

I'm sorry� but typing the subject of that last post reminded me of a joke that I feel I should share with those of you who appreciate a little crude humor now and again and are not part of the humorless, holier-than-thou� oh, never mind.

Anyway, it seems that an elderly gentleman was a HUGE B.B. King fan. He had seen B.B. in concert maybe 20 times. His license plates had �BB� on them. He had �BB� embroidered on all of his shirts� He even had BB underwear made for himself. He truly worshipped the man.

For several weeks prior to their 50th wedding anniversary, his wife agonized over what to get for her beloved husband. She finally decided that she would have �BB� tattooed on her backside� if that wouldn�t be the present of a lifetime, she wouldn�t know what was!!!

The day before the anniversary, she visited the tattoo parlor and her description of her husband�s devotion and love for the great B.B. King brought the ink artist to tears and inspired him to create a masterpiece of two gorgeous �B�s� one on each cheek. It was outstanding work, if he did say so himself, and she just loved them!

On the night of the couple�s anniversary, after a very special dinner and one or three glasses of champagne, the wife tells her husband that she has a VERY special present for him.

�Are you ready to see it now,� she asks.

�I�m ready, Darling.�

She goes over to her husband� turns her back to him� pulls her dress up� pulls her panties down� and bends right over.

�Soooooo�.. what do you think?�

�It�s beautiful, Darling��. But who�s Bob?�

Messages In This Thread

Hi from Belgium Bob (50% NCR)
Re: Hi from Belgium Bob (50% NCR)
Done and Jay Sands.... vbg (NCR)
Hey B.B...
Warning... crude joke inside...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg