Hi Cindy. I, of course, am one of many who sent your Dad running all over Vegas to get me new releases all year.
But what I'll always remember about your Dad is how I emailed him BEGGING for a Four Queens Oscar Goodman chip so I could get it autographed at the banquet last year. Naturally George came through for me...and even offered to get me an introduction! (instead, using all my tact and good manners, I went up to the podium and thrust the chip at the Mayor with determination. I DID get my autograph!
Later at the show, I stopped by to say hello to George and Liz. In conversation, we began talking of our children... and George commented that I didn't look old enough to have a grown daughter. BOY-O-BOY! If THAT didn't win me over for life! .
The reason I mention all this is I guess is that I am sharing your pain.
George was (and really still IS) a man who loved his friends, his family and his hobby. I'm so glad I got to share a piece of his life too. .
Cindy, thanks for posting your thoughts and memories here. And sharing those final moments.
"Where there is grief, there is love."
I am seeing a whole lotta both right now.
You take care lady
Jill Bitner
Prescott AZ