Attached is a copy of a Jones Bros, New Orleans record.
Mike Richter ask for an ID on this chip last week. Since I have a copy of the Jones records sitting next to my desk, I could ID it and email him at once that I wanted the chip.
The records are from 1953 - 80's when they closed. Records from the 30's to 53 were destroyed in a fire. They are good records with 3 different files to cross reference them. The old distributors were very good at hiding illegal operators in their records. Some cards create more questions than they answer. This is where I get on the phone and call everyone in a town with the last name that is on the card. The records are on 11x16 sheets, 10 to a page, and about 1 & 1/2 inch stack of them. Thanks to the good DOC they are in alphabetical order. Many cards are hand written. I am in the process of scanning them to a file.
I have about 600 Mason (hub) records scanned to a file. I get them one at a time as I get the chip. I figure if I find 1 of every hub made and pay for the ID, I will have about $60,000 tied up in the file when I get done.