I think it has been mentioned already. In fact you say it in your post. "Collecting For Fun". That should be your objective.
1.)Choose what method of collecting brings you more enjoyment. You mentioned that you picked up the chips at a Flea Market? If you enjoy going to swap meets, flea markets, house and garage sales... use those methods for collecting your chips. I personally have a thing for LV and really enjoy going there. I also enjoy playing Blackjack and get alot of my chips while playing at the tables. Casino Hopping and picking up chips at the tables and tokens from the slots. They are largely souveniers. I then buy or Trade from others here to fill out my collection with chips that I think I want.
2.) Collect a chip because YOU like it. The first rule of any collecting is not to collect things only for their value but think of if you really like the chip and want it. That way if it does not perform as much in value, you still have the enjoyment that it brings to you. I look at my collections and find that there is a common theme. Commercial Art. Whether it is my 1/18 or 1/24 Die Cast Nascars or the Die Cast Ertl Banks of old trucks or even my Talking Taco Bell Chihuahuas and Pets.com Sock Puppet. I buy these things because they lighten me up a little with their Art and or Whimsy. I enjoy looking at them and with the dogs, How can't you just laugh at "DROP THAT CHALUPA" or " HERE LIZARD LIZARD LIZARD"... The Sock Puppet among other things says, I'VE COME TO PLAY WITH THE TABBY CAT". Don't get too caught up into condition. I am sometimes attracted to a chip by its cheracter. Some here have talked about the sin it is to clean a chip. That dirt is history, cheracter... With an old Vegas chip, what mobster might have held that chip? Of course I am not one on seriously damaged chip but there is sometimes a certain charm that an old, dirty chip has. It is all a personal taste question and can differ from one chip to another. Some designs of chips or tokens wear their age better than others. One example that I like to use is a token. The Treasure Island tokens that I got about 4 yrs ago. They are worn and scratched and dinged. With the pirate theme it wears age good. In fact the age makes the token, if you ask me.
3.)Be careful of the prices you pay. Most of the people here are very fair and dedicated members of the chipping community and will treat you very fairly in their dealings with you. However, some people on will try to prey on you and take advantage. I started my buying by sticking to low price chips and getting to know some of the dealers. I made a few notes of some of the ones who were good and that I could trust. I now go on eBay and keep an eye out for the familiar sellers and depending on how I was treated in the past will bid or not bid. By keeping it low at first, if you do get burned it might only be 10 or 15 bucks. I would not take a chance on a $20 or $30 chip from a strange seller but would not hesitate from one of those whom I have done business with in the past. Once you have bought a few things, and they send you your chip (if you are using credit card) or they send you their address if you are sending check or Money Order. You will then get to know the names of the people you are dealing with. You will find that many of those people are here on TCB. I recall that someone was compiling a list of Chipboard participants and their corresponding
usernames. I don't know where it might be but someone may be able to direct us to it. I think I saw it on the club website. www.ccgtcc.com . Check there in their reference section. Also, You might want to find a price guide. There are a couple of them that I know of. The Chip Rack I think is one of them. I can't remember the title of the other but I think it is also known as Campiglia and Wells(?) That is the one that I think I have. These collectors guides will give you an idea of what certain chips are worth. That should help to keep you from over spending on a given chip. By reading here you will also start to get a feel for how some chips are priced. There are frequent mentions of certain types of chips etc.
4.) Which brings me to this suggestion. You might consider joining the Casino Chip and Gaming Token Collectors Club. They will send you a quarterly newsletter. A magazine actually. Very well done and contains alot of information about chip collecting. If you really get into this hobby the contacts and information that you get from the club is very valuable.