If I had something of value to offer to someone, then maybe I wouldn't have had to toil such long hours. That's exactly why I got my education, so I wouldn't have to work such long hours.
I was very happy with my mininum wage job at the time, especially since I wasn't even worth that. But with patience, and a desire to achieve success, it did finally come.
My time alone was worth only something to me, not to anyone else as people such as me were a dime a dozen. Why do suppose most people stress education. I thank God all the time that I was born an American, male, Wh--e and over 21. The opportunities are so abundant in this wonderful country, that one can choose to do anything he wishes.
I don't ever remember working for an employer that I thought was unfair, or took advantage of me for very long. If I did, I just quite and went to work elsewhere.
If the Horseshoe is such a miserable place to work, why not offer your services to someone else?