Last year, I drove in Tuesday evening so I'd get a good nights rest to start all the festivities.
That was good in theory, but my gracious hosts and I spent half the night driving around Henderson filling in gaps in my collection - and the other half trading and showing off chips until the wee hours of the morning
(Ask the Karli's how cranky I get after 2 am
The Early Bird Banquet is a "MUST DO". That is Wednesday night. I left Sunday and God forbid... NEVER EVEN MADE IT TO HARRAH'S!!!!
This year I plan to drive up Tuesday after work again and leave Sunday. The LAST CHANCE trade session (late Saturday night)was AWESOME!!!!!
I got so many awesome chips AT FACE - IN TRADE - and was actually stunned people wanted my "crappy" AZ stuff and limited traders. This year I'll have more traders and hope to return with more awesome chips.