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ChipGuide Not Secure
In Response To: The chipguide ()

Nothing has changed on the ChipGuide, the change is that some browsers now let you know that the website you are going to is not encrypted (secured). Making the ChipGuide an encrypted website is on the to do list and will be done eventually. However, even though traffic on the ChipGuide is not encrypted, there is nothing really that needs to be secured. We have userids and passwords, but they are only used for customization. No money or sensitive information is kept on the ChipGuide. So nothing to steal.

I do recommend that you use a different userid/password for each website. Some hackers take a userid/password they get from one website and try to use it on another website, one that allows you to access financial transactions, like PayPal. So always use different passwords on each website.

FYI. Also on the to do list is a rewrite of the logon process. It will allow you to recover a password, change a password or email address and require two factor authentication.

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The chipguide
ChipGuide Not Secure

Copyright 2022 David Spragg