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No comments on the latest Rich Burgel auction?

Perhaps not surprising since the hobby is morose with the majority of current posts commenting on the recently departed - may they RIP.

A friend bought a big tub of chips from the latest Rich Burgel estate auction for a few cents apiece and plans to flip them for a profit.

Its odd that there isn't more commentary on the sale of chips and other memorabilia from the estate of one of the biggest (literally and figuratively) personalties in the hobby-biz. Controversial to be sure, it nevertheless seems incongruous that the second round of the Burgel estate auction should seemingly be under the radar on this illustrious chat board.

C'mon guys & gals, what say thee about the latest auction (without further demeaning Big Rich)?

Messages In This Thread

No comments on the latest Rich Burgel auction?
My Two Cents
No Chips in the 2nd Auction
Link to 2nd Auction?
It Was a Lot of..Stuff..
Re: No comments on the latest Rich Burgel auction?

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