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Re: Looking for $10 and $20 chips

My spreadsheet says I have the following. I'll have to physically check for any that you're interested in to make sure I didn't already sell/trade them. Apologies for the formatting, but I'm sure you prefer to be able to copy/paste the CG/TCR numbers to look them up:

(chicken) San Francisco $10.00 CG210564 n/a
Matsui Gaming Machine (MGM) Tokyo $10.00 CG193966
Hunter's Lodge Carson City $20.00 CG073471 N8618
Lady Luck Las Vegas $10.00 CG007344 V1032
Leo Kind's Panguingui Parlor Las Vegas $20.00 CG108006 D0011
Confucius Club Reno $20.00 CG147609 E4163
United Club Reno $20.00 CG033190 N6986
Kellison & Poncia Sparks $20.00 CG095975 D0922

-- barry

Messages In This Thread

Looking for $10 and $20 chips
An Aruba example. I don't have an extra.
Re: Looking for $10 and $20 chips
Just Dollars ? $$$$$
Re: Looking for $10 and $20 chips
Re: Looking for $10 and $20 chips
Re: Looking for $10 and $20 chips

Copyright 2022 David Spragg