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Condolences To The Massey Family y
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Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
RIP, My friend!
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Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Such sad news. My condolences
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
I Am So Sorry
Mary Ann... Your Bruce was a wonderful person!...
Sorry to hear this. Prayers offered.
Very sorry to hear this, may he RIP
Very sorry for your loss.
So Sorry for Your Loss. My Condolences.
Re: So Sorry for Your Loss. My Condolences.
Wonderful Person....Very Sad.
So sorry for your loss
So sorry, a good friend gone.
May God bless...
So very sorry!
Re: Our condolences to you & family.
So sorry to hear. My condolences.
My Condolences, May he RIP 🙏🙏🙏
So sorry. My condolences.
Re: So sorry. My condolences.
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
So Sorry to hear Our Prayers are with you
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
So Sorry MaryAnn ....
So sorry to here May he RIP
So very sorry to hear this, Mary Ann
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Sorry to hear this sad news. Thoughts and
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Dear Mary Ann Massey I feel our loss PICTURE here
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Condolences To The Massey Family y
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Very sad news. My condolences
Adding my condolences . . .
Heartfelt Condolences to You
So sorry to hear this sad news.
So sorry for your loss, our condolences.
Our Thoughts Are With You-God Bless
Bruce was a fine man, RPI friend
So sorry to hear this Mary Ann. RIP Bruce
Our heartfelt condolences go out to you Mary Ann
Sorry to Hear
So sorry to hear. Wonderful gentleman
So sorry for your loss.
Re: Bruce Massey, R-4221, passed away this AM.
Our Condolences to Bruce's Family and Friends
My deepest condolences Mary Ann
Sorry for you loss Mary Ann
Our Dear MaryAnn, Our deepest condolences...
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