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A while back, I posted two chips which have a hot stamp that says "Broadway":

I believed they were from a New York City card club, but knew I did not have a solid attribution. I had seen two ebay auctions for these chips which said they believed they were from New York, but also made it clear they didn't know from personal experience. I bought them the third time I saw them and contacted the seller. He said he had heard they were from New York but did not collect them personally and did not have solid evidence one way or the other.

After I posted them, someone (I have searched for my posts but couldn't find them) said he was told that they were from somewhere in Northern California (Sacramento?).

So, I recently saw a post in a Facebook group that showed chips with a hot stamp that matched the Broadway font. They had denominations only on the back sides, and had a different $5 chip, but they looked like they were probably from the same place. I managed to trade for a set:

The guy who had them was very friendly and told me he found them in a Long Island home he was involved in refurbishing. I think this makes the NYC attribution much more likely, but still will be uncertain in my book. If anyone has any further information, please let me know.


Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

New Information
Re: New Information
Possible, but probably not
Broadway Social Club (1980s) maybe
No reason to think it's that one
Typo - On 25th St, not 15th

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