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Re: Cool, Barry. Brings back great memories!

Back in the late 90's and early 2000's I used to go to Tunica every 5 weeks or so. As I was just starting in chip collecting I wanted to see what I could get for as little money as possible. Someone mentioned asking at the cage for foreign chips and then buying them for face. I did that in Tunica for years and came up with some great MS chips as well as many from NV. Sometimes the cage critter would deny that they ever got any foreign chips since they never accepted them. One guy told me that at Grand that they did not have any foreign chips. I went back at a different shift and the guy pulled out 4 full racks of stuff!! I spent several hundred dollars that day. I also had heard that Lady Luck in Lula was closing when a poker player told me about the $70,000 in bonus money that they gave away a few days prior. I went there very early the next morning and the cage guy let me look thru 20 full bags of chips and tokens and let me pick whatever I wanted. Although I am not a huge token collector I did buy lots of like new $5 tokens from that from all over. The fun is in the hunt!

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Today's Casino Letters 'Of the Day'–Bronco Billy
Cool, Barry. Brings back great memories!
Re: Cool, Barry. Brings back great memories!
Re: Cool, Barry. Brings back great memories!

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