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Re: Great find! 😊 How many…
In Response To: Great find! 😊 How many… ()

Good question. Several seasoned collectors have reviewed my want list and they have offered verbal “never gonna find that one”, “Sarles has all of these”, “No one’s ever seen a fiver for this one”, and even a few “there’s a lot of these around. How come you don’t have one yet?” comments. And there’s disagreement among them as to which exist and which don’t. I have placeholders (non $5 denoms) for 42 of the 69, so I need a (i.e. ANY) chip from 28 of the list to get 100% representation. From there, it will be a matter of replacing non-$5 chips with fivers. I understand there might be 2 or 3 rarities heading for auction or estate sales or private offerings in the next few months, so if I’m lucky (well heeled enough), I can at least get those. The hunt continues.

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Casinorama Tiny But Mighty Haul
Great find! 😊 How many…
Re: Great find! 😊 How many…

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